Student welfare and support is very important to us. We have a number of active programs to provide emotional support for learners. We are an inclusive school and value diversity with an aim to recognise and develop the potential of each and every child.
Our Student Support Team meet on a weekly basis to discuss individual needs of students referred. Students may be referred for any of the following reasons:
- Academic
- Social and/or emotional difficulties
- Disability and access to curriculum
- Speech and language difficulties
- English as an additional language or dialect
The team make recommendations based on the information and data presented, follow up with school support staff and continue to monitor growth and wellbeing. In addition to classroom differentiation which is used by teachers to cater for individual needs, a number of support programs can be accessed to address individual student's needs.
Whole School Curriculum Differentiation
Learning Engagement Teachers
Learning Engagement Teachers work with classroom teachers and the year level team to improve student outcomes. A team approach ensures that all students have access to the curriculum regardless of their differences. LETs plan and manage year level and classroom differentiation based on current data. This will look different based on the needs of the class and students and may include:
- working in the classroom
- co-teaching and planning
- teaching small group of students for focused instruction
- teaching individuals for intensive instruction
Frenchville works on a team approach and has a number of specialist staff to support our students, families and staff.
School Chaplain
The chaplaincy service at Frenchville State School is an integral part of the school’s caring and supportive network. Support is given to staff and parents in fostering the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of our students. The chaplain provides a listening ear and gives compassionate support to children experiencing personal, spiritual and emotional issues.
The service is provided through the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program, funded by the federal government. Our Chaplain supports our students in a range of ways from sporting teams, school camps, class support and other projects. If you need to contact our Chaplain please phone or email administration -
Guidance Service
The Guidance Officer collaboratively negotiates, develops and implements programs for students that have a focus on preventative and early intervention strategies that are responsive to identified personal, social, emotional and educational needs. In addition, the Guidance Officer provides counselling, psycho-educational assessment and/or individual student support, recommendations and advice to students, teachers and parents/carers concerning educational, behavioural, mental health and family issues. The guidance service is operated through a referral model, with staff processing referrals through the student services meetings, held fortnightly. See one of our deputy principals or your child’s teacher for further details.
Speech Language Pathologist
Speech–language therapy services can support individuals with difficulties in the areas of language, speech, voice, fluency, oro-motor functioning, or complex communication needs. Our Speech Language Pathologist works with students, teachers and classes in the lower school supporting the development of oral language and phonemic awareness programs.
Indigenous Support Aide
Our Indigenous support aide works across our school developing the cultural capability of our staff and students and supporting students and families. The Indigenous Support aide also supports the embedding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in our curriculum units of work, conducts regular yarning circles and builds connections with our Indigenous students, their families and external agencies.