Student Code of Conduct
Essential to effective learning is a safe, supportive and disciplined environment that respects the following rights:
- the rights of all students to learn
- the rights of teachers to teach
- the rights of all to be safe.
The Student Code of Conduct defines the responsibilities that all members of the school community are expected to uphold and recognises the significance of appropriate and meaningful relationships. All members of school communities are expected to conduct themselves in a lawful, ethical, safe and responsible manner that recognises and respects the rights of others.
Dress code
At Frenchville we are very proud of our royal blue and white uniform. Our dress code (PDF, 67 KB) is strictly enforced and students wear the uniform proudly and respectfully.
Mobile phone and electronic devices
Frenchville has a clear expectations about the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices. This is included in our Code of Conduct.
Sun safety
At Frenchville we are committed to sun safe practices for our students and staff. Our sun
safe policy (PDF, 202KB) outlines our strategy for protecting our students against the dangers of the sun.
Exclusion for health reasons
If you have concerns that your child may have an infectious disease which requires a period of exclusion, please refer to the time
out table (PDF, 1.59MB). This table provides information about the length of time students need to be excluded from school in the event of them contracting an infectious condition, for both their own recovery and the safety of other students who may be immuno-suppressed.